Shanda Yates
Shanda has served Mississippi House District 64 since 2019. She has worked to reduce taxes, increase teacher pay, prioritize public safety, and invest in infrastructure. Shanda remains focused on addressing those issues that matter the most to her constituents and will continue to strive to make District 64 and Mississippi a better place to live, work, and visit.

Authored and passed legislation requiring water bills to be based on water usage, not home value

Historic Investments in Education
$200+ million increase in school district funding
Quadrupled state funding for high quality pre-K programs

Historic Investments in Teachers
State’s largest teacher pay raise – averaging more than $5,100 per teacher
Initiated a teacher loan repayment program

Largest Tax Cut in State’s History (Mississippi Tax Freedom Act)
Eliminates income tax on first $18K of taxable income for individuals and first $36K for families

Prioritized Public Safety
$10M allocated in 2023 for increased law enforcement, judges and public safety within District 64
Expanded CCID boundaries to include additional areas of District 64

Healthcare Support
Secured $55 million for UMMC School of Nursing
Secured $40 million for UMMC School of Dentistry
Co-sponsored legislation extending postpartum coverage from two to 12 months for eligible women

Infrastructure Investments
Nearly $20 million reinvested in: Lefleur’s Bluff Education and Tourism Complex, Eubanks Creek, White Oak Creek
Additional $6 million anticipated yearly for infrastructure improvements within the CCID boundaries
Shanda has authored, sponsored and co-sponsored legislation to improve and protect the quality of life in Mississippi. During the 2023 Legislative Session, Shanda was instrumental in legislation being signed into law that guarantees water bills will continue to be based on personal consumption.
Shanda has been endorsed and commended by the following organizations for the work she has done while serving District 64.